PM Themes – 6
Measuring the achievements made against the planned objectives> is the method by which progress can be determined. So for this sixth in our series of Project Management Themes> we’re going to look at how the good $1Project Manager> will $1assess the progress they are making with regards to the $1project objectives they are managing.
Who measures the progress?
It would not be a good idea for the Project Manager were to be the sole arbiter as to what progress was being made> in the project. In such an instance there is the risk that an important aspect could be overlooked or even unappreciated as a significant mark of progress>, due to the inevitable wider $1overview of the project> that the Project Management has to take. Therefore, $1progress management> needs to be seen as more of a team effort involving the various team leaders/managers. They should be responsible for the objectives relating to their $1spheres of work/influence> – and so are best placed to make the judgements, which they then report to you for $1your approval>. As such the procedure for $1measuring progress> should run accordingly: First there is a constant $1monitoring of progress> compared to the $1project plan>. Then, in the event of progress not being apparent, the plan can then be reviewed and revised accordingly to accommodate any $1problems or risks>, with you being the person to authorize any recommended $1course of action to make sure that the project continues to progress. However, don’t forget that you may well have to explain any $1lack of progress to the project owner(s) – so it is in your own interest to regularly check with your under managers as to what progress is being made.
Fail to plan – Plan to fail.
OK, so we all know that old adage when it comes to Project Management. But failing to add tolerances> to your plan could potentially set you up to fail when it comes to ensuring progress>. A $1tolerance> is a permissible variation around a desired value that can be acceptable without reference to the $1project owner(s)>. So the project objectives should have $1degrees of tolerance >allowing you some scope in determining if progress is being made. Furthermore, some objectives can have $1exceptions> – meaning that the measure of progress on an objective could $1deviate beyond even an agreed $1level of tolerance.